LTER site established at 1997
Site manager: Liat Hadat
Contact:; +972-537629124
Operating Organization: Ramat-Hanadiv
General Site Description:
In September 1993, Ramat Hanadiv inaugurated the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) station as part of the global and Israel LTER network. One of the main areas of activity at the station is a long-term monitoring program. The long-term monitoring program includes continuous monitoring of several parameters and organisms as determined in advance: Gazelles, chukars, passerines, butterflies, herbaceous vegetation, and woody vegetation. A meteorological station has been established in the park to collect climactic data. The information is gathered and stored in a web-based database providing baseline data that can serve in the future as a point of reference. Our aspiration is that the combination of monitoring and management will in the long term enable the conservation and enrichment of the diversity of species, communities, landscapes, and processes of the Mediterranean landscape. In addition to the activities of the LTER station, Ramat Hanadiv is also implementing dozens of studies focusing on a wide range of fields. These studies are carried out by students and researchers from universities throughout Israel. In the Israeli context Ramat Hanadiv is a unique case of a natural area that is actively managed, intensively studied and mapped on all levels. As such, it cam serve as an example of nature conservation and management of Mediterranean ecosystems in Israel.
Ramat Hanadiv – Memorial Gardens and Nature Park (
Purpose of Site:
Ramat Hanadiv plays a leading role in the management of natural and cultural resources based on sustainable interactions between man, nature and the environment, and encourages understanding and appreciation of this ideal. Our aspiration is that the combination of monitoring and management will in the long term enable the conservation and enrichment of the diversity of species, communities, landscapes, and processes of the Mediterranean landscape
History of site:
At the southern end of Mount Carmel, between Zikhron Ya’akov and Binyamina, lies Ramat Hanadiv, a natural gem dedicated to the memory of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Ramat
Hanadiv is a living memorial to Baron Edmond de Rothschild, operating for the benefit of current and future generations of the entire Israeli public. Ramat Hanadiv plays a leading role in the management of natural and cultural resources based on sustainable interactions between man, nature and the environment, and encourages understanding and appreciation of this ideal. To fulfil this mission, we invest great effort in innovative management, scientific research, environmental education, and invite visitors to enjoy the Memorial Gardens, the Nature Park and the Visitors Pavilion. Ramat Hanadiv is a unique case of a natural area that is actively managed, intensively studied and mapped on all levels. As such, it can serve as an example of nature conservation and management of Mediterranean ecosystems in Israel.
Monitored parameters:
Meteorological parameters; soil humidity; water quality & capacity in Ein-Tzur spring; Woody vegetation structure & composition; Herbaceous vegetation-composition & diversity; Palestine oak population (dehydration/climate effects); Rare plant species; Chukars; Gazelles; Meso-predators; Roadkill; Nesting birds; Night birds; Invasive birds; Butterflies Biogeochemistry (litter accumulation & decomposition) – ended 2014; Wild & honey bees; Plant phenology; NDVI trees; Flying insects (malayse trap); Invasive tree species.