LTER site established at 1958
Site manager: Prof. Arnon Karnieli
Operating Organization Ben-Gurion University & Hebrew University
General Site Description:
The site established in 1958. We can still find in the site the remains of terraces from the Nabatean agriculture runoff. The main research topics that being studied in the site are: biodiversity, climate change, runoff hydrology
Purpose of Site:
The purpose of the site is to study the effect of rainfall and runoff patterns on ecological dynamics that includes population and community properties and ecosystem and landscape processes. In addition, the site provides ecosystem management knowledge with emphasis on runoff harvesting for agricultural purposes.
History of site:
The site was established in order to understand ancient agriculture (3000 years ago in a very arid environment) in order to understand the ancient agriculture, the studies were focus on rainfall-runoff- soil moisture- vegetation relationship. After the initial stage research was expanded to include plant physiology, population and community dynamic of plants, the effect of micro climate on animal behaver, decomposition processes, below and above ground relationships and the role of organisms as ecosystem engineers. Currently the site is adopting earth observation methods to understand land use, land cover processes and their effect on the ecosystem
Monitored parameters:
Meteorological data, rainfall and runoff, biomass, species richness, soil biota diversity, decomposition processes
- Akuja, T., Godonu, K. G., Kraaij, T., Mwangi, M., Oguzoglu, I., & Zaady, E. (2002). Soil characteristics of crusted outside and subcanopy areas of four dominant shrubs in the Negev Desert. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3(1), 162-170
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- Azatyan, A. (2013). Effect of heavy rainfall on desert soil bacterial community composition and dynamics (Doctoral dissertation, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev).
- Bachar, A., Al-Ashhab, A., Soares, M. I. M., Sklarz, M. Y., Angel, R., Ungar, E. D., & Gillor, O. (2010). Soil microbial abundance and diversity along a low precipitation gradient. Microbial ecology, 60(2), 453-461.
- Ben-David, E. A., Zaady, E., Sher, Y., & Nejidat, A. (2011). Assessment of the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities in patchy arid and semi-arid landscapes of the Negev Desert using combined PLFA and DGGE analyses.FEMS microbiology ecology, 76(3), 492-503.
- Berg, N., & Steinberger, Y. (2008). Role of perennial plants in determining the activity of the microbial community in the Negev Desert ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40(10), 2686-2695.
- Berg, N., & Steinberger, Y. (2010). Are biological effects of desert shrubs more important than physical effects on soil microorganisms?. Microbial ecology,59(1), 121-129.
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- Ginzburg, O., Whitford, W. G., & Steinberger, Y. (2008). Effects of harvester ant (Messor spp.) activity on soil properties and microbial communities in a Negev Desert ecosystem. Biology and fertility of soils, 45(2), 165-173.
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